Embracing The Spiky And Spoky Model: The Future Of Agencies With Emma Sexton

Today, Emma Sexton and I dive into why being distinct and nimble is vital for creative agencies. With over 28 years in branding, Emma shares insights on adopting a "spik-y" (specialised) and "spok-y" (adaptable) framework. We explore strategies for standing out in a crowded market, navigating the rise of AI, and addressing the trend of companies taking their projects in-house. We’ll cover ways to stand out and become viewed as an essential partner to future clients. 

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Resources mentioned in this episode:
> Lead Flow Sprint > https://www.kaffeen.club/lfs <
> Win Clients Consistently > https://www.kaffeen.club/wcc <
> Client Magnet Book > https://www.kaffeen.club/book <

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