How to generate content ideas that your prospects want to read.

How to generate content ideas that your prospects want to read.


When you're staring at a blank page it can be really hard to summon up interesting and relevant topics that you have something constructive to contribute to, and which your prospects also want to read.

To remedy that I recommend immersing yourself in your clients challenges. And no, this isn't another email about the importance to building a customer avatar.

Here are three places you can summon great topic ideas that you will enjoy writing about and your clients will enjoy reading.

Note before you get started, these suggestions have a strong food and drink spin, as that's where the majority of Kaffeen client's expertise lies, but you can easily use the same thinking to arrive at similar resources in your own sector.

#1 Young Foodies podcast.

This fantastic resource, recommended to me by several big-brand FMCG clients 'sets out to be the voice of young F&B businesses in the UK'.

Using a blend of industry news, feature interviews, brand spotlights and the occasional ranty moment, Young Foodies provides an energetic but realistic view on the life of food entrepreneurs. It's an endless source of challenges direct from the horse's mouth.

#2 Bread & Jam email newsletters.

Similarly, this treasure trove of upcoming talks designed to appeal to food and drink entrepreneurs is packed with themes that clients are grappling with.

A quick skim of their weekly email is bound to turn up 1-3 ideas that you can spin out into valuable content.

#3 Mission Ventures founder John Stapleton.

John is very active on LinkedIn, sharing challenges that his cohorts are facing, and which he as a highly successful food and drink entrepreneur, has identified as crucial.

Often harder hitting, and with an innovation spin, this is fertile ground of current hot topics that you can develop into opinion pieces with appeal.

When drafting content it is so easy to get pulled back into mainstay topics that feel tired, overdone and out of date.

Use these three resources to make sure that your themes are always built around the current challenges and opportunities that your FMCG brands are facing up to right now.

Ps. If you want more ways to sharpen your sales processes, the Agency New Business module of the Complete Kaffeen Toolkit is for you. You can grab it in the Kaffeen Shop.

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